Therefore, such work should be entrusted only to highly qualified surgeons who have everything necessary for successful surgical intervention. MDI Clinic Medical Center offers its patients high quality, reliable and safe shoulder joint endoprosthesis in Israel.

Indications for the procedure

Affection of the shoulder joint at first manifest themselves in the form of periodic pain, a feeling of slight stiffness and discomfort. Often patients do not give these symptoms due attention and turn to doctors already in the neglected stage of joint disease. Among the main symptoms for which it is important to seek qualified medical help:

  • pain of various kinds in the shoulder area;
  • restricted mobility;
  • visually noticeable deformation;
  • swelling and redness.

This symptomatology is characteristic of most diseases that may require shoulder replacement. These include:

  • advanced osteoarthritis;
  • shoulder dysplasia;
  • necrosis of the shoulder;
  • A fracture or malunion of the humerus;
  • chronic polyarthritis;
  • joint dislocation.

In most cases, Israeli physicians offer traditional treatment methods, without surgery. However, if the pain is not controlled by medications and the limitations of movement progress, it is important to replace the shoulder joint in time to ensure the possibility of a full life.

Diagnosis and preparation for the procedure

Examinations for shoulder joint replacement include a full range of visual examinations, laboratory tests and hardware studies aimed at a comprehensive study of the problem, assessment of the degree of damage and preparation for surgical intervention.

MDI Clinic orthopedists can prescribe:

  • Ultrasound, x-ray, CT or MRI of the shoulder or chest;
  • EKG;
  • lab tests for blood and urine.

Additional examinations by specialized specialists are prescribed to identify chronic diseases that may interfere with the normal course of the operation.

All tests and examinations are performed directly at the MDI Clinic center and take a minimum of time.

Classification of joint replacement surgeries

Depending on the extent of the damage and the overall condition of the joint, replacement can be performed in these ways:

  • Partial or superficial. In this case, only the cartilage tissue of the humeral head is replaced.
  • Unipolar. Only one of the joint elements is replaced: the humeral head or the articular surface of the scapula.
  • Total. All elements are replaced.

At MDI Clinic, the surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia within one to two hours. You can get up as early as the second day after the intervention. For a month and a half, it is important to limit the mobility of the shoulder with a special fixator. Full recovery occurs in about a year, and the patient can return to normal life.

Endoprosthetics at MDI Clinic Medical Center

The clinic in Israel uses the latest endoprostheses that can fully restore the patient’s range of motion. High quality materials guarantee their strength, reliability, durability and safety for the body.

Along with a complete replacement, the clinic’s specialists may recommend minimally invasive technology, in which a balloon is placed between the scaphoid bone and the head of the shoulder, aimed at reducing bone friction and increasing mobility. This technique in some situations is an alternative to complete replacement of the shoulder joint, especially in cases where the patient’s health does not allow for serious surgical intervention.

Seek help from MDI Clinic specialists now. Enlist the support of professionals for a life without joint pain and movement restrictions.

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  • Oleg S.

    My cancer treatment in Turkey was an incredible experience. From the excellent medical expertise to the individualized attention to my needs, every detail was taken care of. I felt that my well-being was a priority for the entire team. The results of the treatment speak for themselves and I am grateful for this incredible experience in Turkey.
  • Vladimir V.

    I decided to go to Turkey for cancer treatment and it was the best decision of my life. The doctors gave me a clear treatment plan, explained each step and were always available to answer my questions. And, of course, the results of the treatment exceeded my expectations. Thanks to this team, I'm back to normal.
  • Nadezhda K.

    I came to the clinic in Turkey with a cancer diagnosis and serious concerns. But thanks to the professional and attentive attitude of the doctors, my hope for recovery has increased. The treatment was effective and the level of care and comfort provided by the clinic is simply impressive. Thank you to the entire team for their hard work and care.
  • Dmitry I.

    Treatment in Korea not only helped me beat cancer, but also left me with incredibly positive memories. The doctors were true professionals and the support and care provided by the team made my road to recovery smooth and confident. Thank you for a second chance at life!
  • Marina K.

    The treatment experience in Korea exceeded my expectations. The doctors are really thorough in their approach to each case and their innovative methods helped me overcome my difficulties. The organization of the trip was excellent and I am grateful to everyone who made it possible.
  • Alexander P.

    After being diagnosed with cancer, he decided to go to Korea for treatment. I cannot overemphasize the level of care and professionalism I encountered there. The team helped not only with medical issues, but also with adaptation in a foreign country. Thank you for the new hope and encouragement!
  • Elena S.

    Going to Korea for treatment was the best decision of my life. Professional doctors and advanced treatments have given me hope and support. The organization of the trip was top notch and I am grateful to the entire team for their care.

    "My children took me to doctors with my leg, but we have a lot of lunatics who can't tell us anything. When I found out that my sons wanted to take me to Israel for treatment, I protested, but it was expensive! But everything went quickly, replaced my joint, did not keep me in the hospital not one extra day. Prices are normal for such quality, I began to walk without pain. That's what smart doctors mean."

    "I went to doctors for several months, they could not diagnose me, as is usually the case with us. A friend advised me to come here, he had already been treated here himself. From myself I can say the attitude on 5 +! They ordered a ticket and found me a place to stay at a normal price. In the hospital they examined me, analyzed me, analyzed all kinds of devices and diagnosed me. I have already undergone a course of chemotherapy, and if I need check-ups, I will apply only here. And what would happen to me if I continued to be examined in our hospitals? It's scary to even think about
  • Irina Kucherenko

    Really enjoyed the MDI clinic. Great attitude towards patients. Applied with the problem of psoriasis (>10 years trying to cure and nothing helps). I was worried about how everything would go, as I was flying from another country, but before arrival everything was discussed with me: what to do, how much time of stay will be needed, cost, accommodation, absolutely everything and I was not so worried. Upon arrival I was met, driven to the hotel and was in constant contact with me. Also gave a local SIM card for communication and internet, drove and accompanied everywhere. Was in Tel Aviv for 3 days and during this time visited the doctor, did all the necessary tests and prescribed treatment. After leaving, I am still in touch with the curators and doctors to find out how the treatment is going, whether the medication is helping, my general health, whether I need to send more medication, etc. I am very glad that I visited MDI clinic, as it was the first time I saw the effect of treatment and that it actually helps. Words can't describe the emotions and feelings when you realize that you will finally be healthy and you can no longer be self-conscious about your skin, wear open clothes, put your hair up however you want, etc.
  • Konstantin Zubarev

    We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your concern. From the first contact to the last minute of being in Israel, we constantly felt cared for. Meeting at the airport, organization of accommodation, support during the quarantine, useful household advice, help in buying food, accompaniment to procedures and consultations with doctors, help in buying medicines, a clear plan of action and constant information about the progress of treatment - our stay in Tel Aviv was so competently organized that the whole treatment took place in an atmosphere of confidence, calmness and relaxation. There was no stress of being in another country, even though the reason for coming to Israel was not a fun one - my father's metastatic prostate cancer. Special thanks to Catherine, for her heartfelt attitude and involvement with us. Thank you so much! Success, prosperity and grateful patients!