Dr. Gal AVIVA is an experienced Israeli ophthalmologist and also a specialist in the treatment of neuro-ophthalmic diseases. Dr. Gal Aviva deals with ocular problems, unexplained vision loss, characterizes the optic discs, checks the caliber and course of arteries and veins, and examines the peripheral retina. Also performs visual acuity testing on adults, premature infants and newborns. Examines visual fields, color perception, and treats eye diseases caused by changes in nerve tissue and retinal detachment.
Gal Aviva worked in the United States for 20 years in the field of neuro-ophthalmology. He now consults at a major Israeli clinic. Provides assistance to adults and children.
Gal Aviva’s in-depth knowledge and vast clinical experience enable her to deliver excellent results even in the most challenging situations. Very often in her work she resorts to close cooperation with other subspecialists: neurologists, oncologists, specialists in vascular diseases.
Dr. Gal Aviva is an honorary and active member of international professional ophthalmic associations and communities. Author of numerous scientific articles and publications.